
Welcome to my website.

Eye and sight problems affect our daily lives negatively, and those problems which are related to diseases of the brain make life especially difficult.

With all my best wishes to you for healthy eyes and strong vision.

Pınar Aydın O’Dwyer, MD, PhD, FRCS(Glasg)
Professor of Ophthalmology and Neuro-ophthalmologist


Deep Insight

TEDx Ankara Citadel Speech

TEDx Talk by Pınar Aydın O’Dwyer, who combines ophthalmology and arts through paintings and colors; questions her muses while progressing in her life.

Prof. Dr. Pınar Aydın O’Dwyer, PhD, FRCS(Glasg) have been admitted a Distinct Surgical Fellow FRCS(Glasg) of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

Prof. Dr. Pınar Aydın O’Dwyer, PhD, FRCS(Glasg)

has been admitted as Member Chair.

In view of her outstanding contributions to World ophthalmology Professor Pinar Aydin O’Dwyer has been admitted as Member Chair No LVI.


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