Uluslararası Konferans ve Seminerler
- Neuro-ophthalmologic examination. Beilinson Hospital, Petah Tiqva, Tel Aviv, İsrail, 1993.
- Automated pupil perimetry. Beilinson Hospital, Petah Tiqva, Tel Aviv, İsrail, 1993.
- Automated pupil perimetry. Tübingen University School of Medicine, Department of ophthalmology, Tübingen, September 1993.
- Behçet’s Disease. Göteborg University School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Göteborg 1995.
- Migraine in children. Special Conference for the honor of Akademik Zarife Aliyeva, Baku, Azerbaijan. 2003.
- ICO Assessments Tests: A Tool to Evaluate Resident Education. Pan-Arab African Council of Ophthalmology – Tunisian Ophthalmology Society (PAACO- STO) Tunis, May 22-25, 2003.
- ICO Assessments Tests: A Tool to Evaluate Resident Education. SOE. Madrid, Spain 2003.
- ICO Assessments Tests: A Tool to Evaluate Resident Education. APOS Bangkok, Thailand, 2003.
- High-pass Resolution Perimetry in Ophthalmology.Early detection of glaucoma. Perimetry. International Symposium. Lublin, Poland, Sept, 2003.
- Thyroid ophthalmopathy: Medical. 37th Panhellenic Ophthalmology Congress. Greece, 9-13 June 2004.
- Adie’s pupil. Neuro-ophthalmology Panel. Asia Pacific Ophthalmology Academy Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malesia, 2005.
- Pupil disorders, Neuro-ophthalmology Course, Lublin University, Poland, 2005.
- IIH, Neuro-ophthalmology Course, Lublin University, Poland, 2005.
- Migraine and related disorders, Neuro-ophthalmology Course, Lublin University, Poland, 2005.
- Novel techniques in visual field analysis. EVER symposium. World Ophthalmology Conference, Sao Paolo, February, 2006.
- Qualities of Excellent Teachers. Ophthalmology Residency Training Course: Refining Ophthalmology Residency Education World Ophthalmology Conference, Sao Paolo, February, 2006.
- Papilledema Urgent Diagnoses You Do Not Want to Miss. American Academy of Ophthalmology Neuro-ophthalmology Course: Urgent Diagnosis and Therapy Symposium. World Ophthalmology Conference, Sao Paolo, February, 2006.
- Regulatory barriers and cultural peculiarities in Europe. Successfully conducted research in Europe. EVER symposium, ARVO, Ft Lauderdale, May 2006.
- Difficult optic nerve problems. Master class. Almaty. Kazakhstan Minister of Health. August, 2006.
- Potpourri in Visual Field Defects: Visual Fields Course, EVER, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2006.
- Culture in scientific publications: How to get your work published?. Workshop, EVER, Vilamours, Portugal, 2006.
- Other useful indications of Botulinum toxin. Botulinum usage in ophthalmology. Symposium EVER, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2006.
- Migraine: Helsinki University, Eye Department, March, 2007
- Regulatory Barriers and Cultural Peculiarities in Europe ARVO Ft Lauderdaleö USA 2007
- Controversies in neuro-ophthalmology: Should you work-up an isolated, unilateral, presumed vasculopathic fourth or sixth nerve palsy? SOE, Vienna 2007
- Medicine embedded in fine arts. International Muscle Disease Conference Istanbul 2007
- Differential diagnosis of optic neuropathy vs. retinopathy in clinic: Pupils SOE, Vienna 2007
- Migraine: Helsinki University, Eye Department, March, 2007
- Visual Fields in neuro-ophthalmology. Course. Helsinki University National Resident course, Imatra, 2008.
- Conference. Helsinki University National Resident course, Imatra, 2008.
- A systematic approach to the management of diplopia. Neuro-ophthalmology for general ophthalmologists (Workshop), World Ophthalmology Conference, HongKong, 2008
- Observed Structured Clinical Exam/Standardized Patients. World Ophthalmic Education Colloquium (WOEC2008) World Ophthalmology Conference, HongKong, 2008
- Bilimsel yayınlarda etik, Panel, Düzenleyici ve Yönetici. Slovenia EVER 2008
- Teaching “Soft” Skills (professionalism, ethics, communications): (Kieran LePlastrier, MBBS, MPsych, Pinar Aydin, MD, Chair, ICO Ethics Committee) Refocusing Ophthalmic Education in the Asia Pacific: A Conference for Educators. Sydney, 2011.
- Dilated Pupil. Noro-oftalmolojik Problemler. Dunya Goz Kongresi, Abu Dhabi, 2012.
- A Patient with Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. 3rd World Congress Controversies in Ophthalmology, Istanbul, 2012.
- Child with Glioma that progresses. What is your treatment? 3rd World Congress Controversies in Ophthalmology, Istanbul, 2012.
- How to Publish Scientific Paper/ A Practical Hands-on Course, ARVO, Ft Lauderdale, 2012.
- Early intervention for visual impairment, EACD, Istanbul, 2012.
- Cortical Visual Impairement, Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis, Hyderabad, India, 2013.
- Ethics and Ocular Research Activity-What to care, AOI-ICO-APAO Session, APAO meeting, Hyderabad, India, 2013.
- Kortikal Görme Kaybı, International Teaching Consortium, Katmandu, Nepal, 2013.
- Bilimsel Makale Yaziminda Basarinin Sirlari. Beijing Universitesi, Çin, 2014.
- Considerations in Teaching How to Communicate Bad News: Teaching Ethics, Professionalism and Communication Skills, WOC 2014, Tokyo
- Ethics in Scientific Publication: ARVO Session: Workshop: How to Succeed in Scientific Article Publication-I, WOC 2014, Tokyo
- Introduction, Coaching in Medical Practice and Academic Life, WOC 2014, Tokyo
- How to write a scientific article? Course and Workshop, Baku, Azerbeijan, 2014.
- Optik sinir hastaiklarina pratik yaklasim. Cin Oftalmoloji Dernegi Kongresi, 2014, Xi-An.
- Teaching Ethics and other Non‑Clinical Competencies, Summit on Ophthalmology Residency Training in Italy and Europe, SOI. Milano, 2015.
- Practical Integration of Ethics, Ideas in Global Education – A Joint Symposium of the APAO-SOE- ICO, SOE Vienna, 2015.
- What is ethics and how can we teach it, Ethics in Ophthalmic Practice and Research. WOC2016 Guadalajara, Mexico, 2016.
- Ethics in scientific publications. How to get published. WOC2016 Guadalajara, Mexico, 2016.
- Moving Toward Representative Organizations in Ophthalmology, The Diversity Challenge: How to Transform Organizations to Reflect Your Community. ICO World Ophthalmology Roundtable on Leadership Development (WORLD), Chicago, 2016